Friends of Colchester Choral Society
The Friends of the Society provide a nucleus of support which is highly valued by the members. Not only do Friends loyally attend the Society’s performances, a number of them contribute in other ways, giving generously of their time and practical help.
In return for their subscriptions (currently £45), Friends are entitled to priority booking for concerts plus a complimentary programme and a free glass of wine or soft drink at each performance. In addition, Friends who buy tickets for both the Autumn and Spring concerts are entitled to a complimentary ticket for the Summer concert. They also receive a thrice-yearly newsletter and an invitation to our AGM and social occasions.
If you value the Colchester Choral Society, and if you believe its work is an important benefit for the city and surrounding area, and want to see it prosper, please consider becoming a Friend.
You can find out more from the Friends Secretary, Jane Hargreaves, at
The Society gratefully acknowledges the support it receives from its current Friends.